We get it: Learning about wine can feel overwhelming and snobby...

(maybe you've had this experience before...)

That's why we do things differently...

We’ve moved the wine education experience online, connecting wine enthusiasts directly with a professional sommelier so they can learn in the comfort of their own homes in a way that is fun and engaging..

Let's Uncork Wine Knowledge Together

“ Learning with us will be as refreshing as a barefoot walk on a summer’s day".

Let me guess...

 You’re tired of second-guessing every bottle of wine you’re thinking about trying.

Well, it’s time to finally start putting all the pieces together and have them make sense when you look at a wine bottle label …

it’s time to say goodbye to “I don’t know what this all means” and hello to “I got this” 

Spending countless hours pouring over wine books and going to wine tastings where everything can seem so technical  isn’t the only way to become wine-wise

...and it certainly isn’t the only way to feel like the

savvy wine connoisseur you know is just waiting for the chance to come out


traditional wine education has been the only way to learn.

The intimidating, expensive, and somewhat snobby traditional teaching style is scaring people away and keeping them from learning about all the mysteries that are awaiting them in the glass.

It's time to do things differently!

Did you know: The average person will stay with the same six bottles of wine for most of their lives.

If this sounds like you ...

and you know you’re avoiding trying new wines because you’re afraid you’re going to waste money and won’t like what ends up in your glass.

Let's face it

You’re in a wine rut.


(and that means you're missing out on experiencing 100’s of different wines from around the world)

Let’s stop drowning in textbooks and tastings — and choose the path toward unlocking the world of wine through wine education reimagined. 

Because in the wine world today, there is a never-ending source of information coming to you from all sides, and being able to tell what information is relevant and useful for you or NOT can mean the difference between discovering wines your love or wasting time and money on wines you don’t. 

It’s time to scratch “learn about wine” off your bucket list and be excited about building your knowledge and confidence as you pour into the stories and the flavors of the wines of the world that you’ve always wanted to discover …. 

All in a way that makes you feel like you have your very own sommelier on speed-dial helping you out on every step of your learning journey.

Becoming wine-wise means...

  • Saving time and money. - No more wasting time and money second guessing if you’re picking out a wine you might like. Now, you’ll be able to cruise your favorite wine shop or restaurant wine list feeling self-assured in your choices. 🌟

  • Bring flavors to life. - Dazzle your friends and family with incredible food and wine pairings you can now easily create. Never again will you feel confused about which wine to pair with which food.🥂

Wine is best enjoyed with friends, and as you grow your wine knowledge, you'll become an ambassador and storyteller for one of the world's oldest agricultural products.

Sharing is caring and you can use your knowledge to help others. 

Get confident & level up your wine knowledge

In three easy steps

Take the Quiz

Start with our signature palate personality quiz and get instant access to the reasons behind the wine styles you enjoy and discover new ones you'll love outlined in your FREE guide.

Study What You Love

Explore our collection of products and courses and choose the one that interests you. Several of the courses are instant access and can be taken independently, so you can learn about a specific topic quickly.

Keep Learning

Learning something new is always strange at first.  Celebrate how much you're learning.  Wine education is a lifelong journey and you shouldn't lose sight of all the new wines you’re discovering.  You got this!

You need someone on your side who understands just how BIG the topic of wine can be and how “secret society” it can feel.

 Everywhere I looked, I saw people who wanted to learn but didn’t know where or how to start and they were afraid to ask because the whole wine world seemed very expensive and only accessible to people who already KNEW about wine.

Getting started learning something new isn’t for the faint of heart—being a wine enthusiast who wants to know more, also means that many of your friends won’t understand why you want to make wine more complicated than it already seems - you already know some wines you like, right?

Why do you need know what all the words on the labels mean and the secrets behind creating magical wine and food pairings ….

Isn’t trying to learn on your own enough…

but isn’t it still hard?

That’s exactly why I got into what I do.

Now, I’m a professional sommelier for wine enthusiasts — just like you— so you can learn and grow your wine knowledge in a way that is approachable, inspiring, and practical, so it starts making sense right away!

So....where to next?

I'm not sure what my palate personality is? Take me to your FREE Signature Quiz so I can discover mine.

I’m ready to learn. Take me to the Wine Girl Academy Course library so I can pick out a course to get started with

 I like to find out more about your one-on-one consulting services and if they're right for me. 

I'm looking to host a wine tasting with friends or need the perfect gift let’s go shopping.

“ Erin is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to anything boozy, and her approach to wine education is so refreshing.  Without any pretence, Erin is committed to sharing her passion for wine in a way we can all relate to”

(And—before you ask—yes, this is a real quote from our client, Selena Hucal.)  

Ready to discover your palate personality, and get on your way to learning about wines you’ll love?

(of course you are; you’re ready to walk into the wine shop knowing exactly what you’re looking for)